Friday, March 12, 2010

Tales from the Pit - The Things People Say: Part III


It was Friday and the middle of Lent. Sales likely were going to take a hit today due to the fact that the Catholic Church conveniently decides to ban eating meat on Fridays during this season of repentance. Gee, thanks a lot, Jesus.

The first customer of the day waddles in. He was a stout black man, with a slightly gray beard. As he spoke, his voice reminded me of the timbre of a log rolling down a hill. (Seriously, it's hard to explain.)

"I want a chicken sandwich. What goes with that?" He inquired, glancing at your menu.

"Well, sir, we have a pulled chicken sandwich that comes with pickles, onions, and BBQ sauce on it."

"You got fries or something to go with that...?"

"Well, you can get a meal for $6.55 with a drink and fries." He looked at me with his brow slightly furrowed and turned around.

"Well, never mind. Thank you." He left quickly, waddling slightly due to his girth.

I rolled my eyes as some of my coworkers offered a uniquely colorful racial epithet regarding the incident. Though truth be told, I share the frustration.

VERDICT: I know it's the Great Recession. But seriously...we're NOT MCDONALD'S OR WENDY'S HERE! We actually make...God forbid...REAL FOOD. REALLY GOOD FOOD TOO! Research that I've conducted shows that our prices are cheaper compared to other BBQ places in this city, which by the way, I feel is extraordinarily overrated with its own style of BBQ. I have to limit my gag reflex when the unpleasant occasion of eating the BBQ made in this town arises unexpectedly. But I digress. Back to the point at hand, if you expect cheaper prices, you should've gone elsewhere. Given the option of paying a few dollars less for crap versus actual food, people will automatically go for the crap.

1 comment:

  1. Quality food is so hard to come by - it's sad that people can't afford a good meal and submit to bad food. I've been thinking about offering small portions at lower prices lately to try and drive some volume. But I have zero actual practice of that strategy to know if it works or not...
